Since today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I thought it would be appropriate to use a quote from him.
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”
I love this quote and have it on the top of my computer where I see it daily.
How many times do you settle for the “same-ole” thing when you could get out there and try something new and exciting…something that may have the potential of changing your life?
Often times many of us get comfortable with what we are doing. We become afraid of failure so we don’t want to take a risk. Even if we know things could be better, we are afraid to try something out of our comfort zone.
I’ve heard it many times and I’m sure you have too, that unless you fail many times, you’ll never truly succeed.
Winston Churchill said it a little differently. He said:
“Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.”
Both of these famous and successful men showed that they believed in what they said just by the way they lived their lives.
How about you? Are you creatively avoiding something because you are afraid of failure? Or…maybe you are afraid of success!
That’s a topic for future blog.